Salmon may be easily smoked and the taste is really delicious. Let the smoking handle all of this. Perfect Smoked Salmon is a great place to start if you’ve ever been unsure about how to prepare it correctly. It is really difficult to overcook since it cooks so slowly!


Perfect Smoked Salmon Recipe

An old-fashioned Holiday dish is salmon that has been expertly smoked. Make it at home with this simple smoker recipe. The best salmon ever, smoked! In this simple recipe, delicate and aromatic smoky flavor is obtained with a short dry brine and hot smoking procedure.
Prep Time 1 day 1 hour
Cook Time 2 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 10


  • Aluminum Foil
  • Plastic Wrap


  • 2 Large Salmon Filets
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar
  • 1 cup Kosher Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Black Pepper


  • To make your dry rub, mix sugar, dark brown sugar, salt, and black pepper in a large bowl.
  • A huge sheet of foil (larger than the fish) should be spread out, and a piece of plastic wrap that is the same length should be placed on top.
  • Lay the fish skin-side down into the dry rub after spreading 1/3 of it out onto the plastic.
  • The second piece of salmon should be stacked skin-side up on top of the first, with another third of the rub added on top.
  • Wrap the fish securely in plastic wrap and tin foil, then cover with the remaining rub.
  • Place the fish in the refrigerator for 12 hours after placing it, wrapped, on a plank or cutting board.
  • Frozen for a further 12 hours after flipping the fish.
  • Remove from packaging, rinse under cold water, pat dry, and leave at room temperature for an hour.
  • Heat smoker to 150 °F.
  • Fish should be smoked for two hours or until it reaches 150 °F internally. Serve.
Keyword Salmon, Seafood