The only recipe you’ll ever need for prime rib. To cook a prime rib roast to perfection, follow these step-by-step instructions. It’s essential for special occasions and vacations! A well-prepared prime rib is flavorful, juicy, and not at all difficult to prepare. Additionally, it’s impressive: You’ll give the impression to your visitors that you toiled for hours, but your little-kept secret is that it was easy, and your oven performed all the work.


Prime Rib Recipe

This recipe yields a delicious prime rib roast that's ideal for sharing on a romantic getaway.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 2


  • Smoker


  • 1 Prime Rib Roast (5 lb)
  • 2 Tbsp Salt
  • 4 Cloves Garlic (chopped)
  • 1 Tablespoon Dried Thyme
  • 1 Tablespoon Ground Black Pepper


  • Heat smoker to 250 °F.
  • In a small bowl, combine the garlic, pepper, salt, and thyme.
  • Season the prime rib by rubbing it.
  • Put the roast in the smoker and reduce the temperature to 225 °F.
  • For medium-rare, smoke for around five hours.
  • 20 minutes should pass after removal. Serve.
Keyword Beef, Ribs